National Security – Jewish Security – Economic Security
The security of the Jewish people was paramount to nearly every decision made by Menachem Begin as a Zionist resistance fighter and Israeli Prime Minister. The Begin Symposium in its second year will set the stage for distinguished leaders from Israel and the Diaspora to deliver topical commentary on the national, religious, and economic security of the Jewish nation and its people, which will interestingly parallel issues of an earlier era. Join an international audience and a renowned faculty for two days of enriching content, leadership development, and historical discussions.

Below is a recording of the second annual Begin Symposium, which took place on March 13-14, 2022 at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem.
Opening Evening
Second Day
Yitzhak Herzog | Joseph Lieberman | Malcolm Hoenlein | Benny Gantz | Gil Troy | Michal Cotler-Wunsh | Dan Meridor | Elyakim Rubinstein | Dennis Ross | Einat Wilf | Yaakov Amidror | Gerald Steinberg | Andrea Schneider | Yaacov Hagoel | Yaacov Katz | Natan Sharansky
The Menachem Begin Heritage Center is honored to present John Charles Hagee, Senior Pastor of Hagee Ministries and Chairman of CUFI, with the ‘Menachem Begin Support of Israel Award’, in appreciation for his decades of friendship and support for the State of Israel. Sunday, March 13 2022
Partnering Organizations
Our Supporters
Harvest Fellowship International – The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation – Jodi and Bruce Goldman – Charles and Janine Pulman – Sheri and Abraham Reich – Rebecca and Alex Smith – Susan and Rob Carrera – Rosalie Einsphar – Lisa and Tom Ashar – Susan and Allyn Kramer – Karla and David Ornelas – Marc Seivers – Stan Anderson – David Sievers
Below is a recording of the first annual Begin Symposium, which took place on June 6, 2021 in an abbreviated virtual format due to COVID. We had renowned speakers join us including Former President Reuven Rivlin, Michal Cotler-Wunsh, Yossi Klein Halevi, Pnina Tamano-Shata, Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, and Malcolm Hoenlein.