“Educate the Educator”

The Untold Story
A travel guide to Poland in the footsteps of  the Revisionist movement and the ŻZW

Join us on a journey back in time to meet fighters and warriors, philosophers and poets, idealists and dreamers.
Listen to and learn about the untold stories of these heroes.

The story of the ZZW – the Jewish Military Union – and its role in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising has seldom been heard. It was established by the Revisionist Movement and the Betarim in the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II. Most of the historical attention and light has been on Mordechai Anielewicz and the Jewish Fighting Organization in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Until now. This teacher’s guide takes you to locations in Poland to hear other voices of the time period.
Our mission at the Begin Center is to provide the tools and information to tell the full historical account and give everyone a voice. This begins with the teachers and tour guides.

The Untold Story is the only guide of its kind to provide a historical lesson and discussion questions for particular locations in Poland with Revisionist/Betar history.

Our thanks go to the Rosen family and their friends for sponsoring the original work in Hebrew in honor of the life and work of Benjamin Rosen z”l.

We are grateful to The Asper Foundation of Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada), for their constant support and especially for underwriting this English translation.

We dedicate this English version of The Untold Story to the memory of Shlomik Gravitz z”l who dedicated his life to awakening and inspiring the Jewish spirit in Jewish youths around the world.

*It’s very important to us to know who is using this guide, so we ask you not to share your copy,
but direct interested parties to this site to request their own copies.
Thank you for your cooperation.

© 2024 Menachem Begin Heritage Center
Reproduction and distribution of this booklet without written permission of the Begin Center is prohibited, except in the cases of fair use or for review purposes.